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Understanding and Configuring Your server cfg File in FiveM

Understanding and Configuring Your server cfg File in FiveM

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Understand and Configure Your server.cfg in FiveM

The server.cfg file is the primary configuration file for your FiveM server. This is where you set important options such as license key, resources, database connections, and more. Below, we’ll go through the different sections of the example you provided. Customize the file to suit your server’s needs and setup.

1. Basic Server Settings

endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""

2. Tags and Privacy

sets tags "roleplay, dansk, english"
sv_endpointprivacy true
net_maxPackets 50
sv_forceIndirectListing false
sv_connectTimeout 120
sv_maxclients 48

3. License Key & Steam Web API

set steam_webApiKey none

4. Server Identity and Language

sets sv_hostname "My awesome fivem server"
sets sv_projectName "My awesome fivem server"
sets sv_projectDesc "My awesome fivem project"
sets locale "da-DK"
load_server_icon Logo.png
sets sv_enforceGameBuild 3095

5. Voice Settings

# Voice config
setr voice_useNativeAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true
setr voice_defaultCycle "GRAVE"
setr voice_defaultVolume 0.3
setr voice_enableRadioAnim 1
setr voice_syncData 1

6. QBCore Language Setting

# QBCore locale config
setr qb_locale "en"

7. Additional Configuration & Permissions

exec perms.cfg

8. Default Resources

# These resources will start by default.
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
ensure hardcap
ensure baseevents

9. Custom Resources

# QBCore & Extra stuff
ensure ox_lib
ensure qb-core
ensure ram_monitor
ensure chat
ensure qb-multicharacter
ensure cd_drawtextui
ensure qb-target

10. Database Connection

set mysql_connection_string "mysql://username:[email protected]:3306/database_name"

Best Practices and Tips

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If you need stable FiveM hosting or help with configuration, we offer:

CTA: Ready to get started or upgrade your FiveM server? Check out our FiveM hosting plans here.

Need More Help?

With a properly configured server.cfg, your FiveM server will run more reliably and be easier to manage. Have fun!