NEW Upgrade of Our Game Servers See News

Set up schedule
Image zoomed

1. Navigate to Schedules

  1. Log in to the game panel.
  2. Select the server you want to set up a schedule for.
  3. Click "Schedules" in the left menu under "Configuration"

2. Create a new schedule

  1. Click on "Create schedule".
  2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Schedule name: Give the schedule a recognizable name (e.g. "Automatic Restart").
    • Cron-fields: Fill in the fields for schedule frequency:
      • Minute: Hvilket minut tidsplanen skal køre (fx */5 for hver 5. minut).
      • Hour: Which hour the schedule should run (e.g. 0,6,12,18 for 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00).
      • Day of Month, Month, Day of Week: Use * to run every day/month/weekday.
  3. Select relevant settings:
    • Only When Server is Online: Enable if the schedule should only run when the server is active.
    • Schedule Enabled: Toggle on to activate the schedule.

3. Add tasks

  1. Click on "New Task" inside your schedule.

  2. Select an action from the menu:

    • Send Power Action: Restart, start or stop the server.
    • Send Command: Execute a server command (e.g say Server restart in 5 minutes).
    • Create Backup: Lav en backup af serverens filer.
  3. Udfyld relevante detaljer:

    • For commands: Enter the exact command in the Payload field.
    • For backups: Fill in any files to be avoided in Ignored Files.
    • Time Offset: Specify how many seconds the task should wait after the previous task.
  4. Click on "Create Task" to save the task.



Eksempler på tidsplaner

Example 1: Automatic Daily Backup

Example 2: Scheduled Server Restart

Example 3: Weekly Maintenance